Municipal Enforcement


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M.E. and YOU: Put Your Devices Away

Posted on Monday, February 07, 2022 01:25 PM

Put Your Devices Away

Did you know you’re four times more likely to be involved in a collision while using your cell phone, and eight times more likely to crash while texting.

When you’re on the road your primary focus should be on your driving. Activities like using a hand held device (even at a red light), reading, eating a meal, personal grooming or having your pet on your lap reduces your driving performance and reduces your awareness. Remember, you share the road with other drivers, cyclists...

M.E. and YOU: Weekly Municipal Enforcement Messages

Posted on Monday, January 24, 2022 11:10 AM

School and Playground Zones

Municipal Enforcement Services would like to remind drivers that the speed limit in school and playground zones is 30 km / hour during certain hours of the day.

School Zones

  • Reduced speeds are in effect from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm every school day.
  • School Zone awareness signs have black lettering or figures on a yellow or orange background. If there is no speed attached to it then the sign is only to alert drivers that children may be walking or crossing the road and to use...

M.E. and YOU: Weekly Municipal Enforcement Messages

Posted on Monday, January 17, 2022 10:34 AM

Winter Driving Safety

Winter weather can dramatically affect both vehicle handling and braking distance. We want to remind drivers prepare for winter driving conditions. The three key factors to safe driving in winter road conditions are to stay alert, slow down and stay in control.

Here are some tips to get your vehicle winter ready:

  • Have your vehicle’s maintenance check done and have all equipment ready
  • Consider using snow tires to improve traction and stopping distance
  • Keep an emergency kit in your...

M.E. and YOU: Weekly Municipal Enforcement Messages

Posted on Monday, December 20, 2021 11:30 AM

Stop Signs and Red Lights

We remind drivers to be extra cautious when approaching stop signs and red lights. Failure to stop can have serious consequences. When you drive up to a stop sign or red light please remember:

  • Stop completely at the stop sign or red light before proceeding
  • Stop behind the stop line or crosswalk. If there’s no marked crosswalk at an intersection, stop within three metres of the intersection
  • Be alert for pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles
  • At four-way stop intersections:...

M.E. and YOU Weekly

Posted on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 09:07 AM

The City of Fort Saskatchewan would like to inform residents about coyote sightings within the City.

Coyotes are important to the ecosystem in Fort Saskatchewan.  They play a vital role in controlling the rodent population in our city. Coyotes by nature are not aggressive unless they feel threatened. However, they are wild animals and their behaviour cannot always be predicted.
We continue to encourage residents to report any coyote sightings or encounters, and if the needed, an assessment of...