We’re improving the bulk water station!
Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2021 01:30 PM
Construction on the bulk water station starts May 24th and is scheduled for completion in Fall 2021.
The Bulk Water Station will remain open during construction, but service will be reduced to one bay as the concrete pads are replaced. Once construction is finished the bulk water station will have new concrete pads and a new snow melt heating system.
We ask bulk water station users to be patient while construction crews work on site, and to plan for service delays.
Thank you for your cooperation.
2021 Property Tax Bylaw Passed
Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 08:00 AM
City Council passed the 2021 Property Tax Bylaw at the May 11 regular council meeting. The property tax bylaw is based on the City’s 2021 operating budget of $78.8 million and a capital budget of $ 10.2 million approved by Council on December 8, 2020. The budget included a 0% property tax revenue increase due to spending.
“Council approved a budget to keep municipal taxes as low as possible in recognition of the ongoing economic uncertainty that residents and business owners are facing,” stated Mayor...
New Provincial Health Measures announced on May 4th
Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2021 11:15 AM
The City of Fort Saskatchewan will be closing recreation and meeting facilities to meet the latest Provincial Health Measures announced on Tuesday, May 4th.
Effective 11:59 pm on Sunday, May 9th, the Dow Centennial Centre will be closed for all recreation, events and bookings and the Shell Theatre will also be closed. Customers of Pivotal Physio Therapy will continue to have access to the building from 7 am to 7 pm weekdays and 7 am to 2 pm on Saturdays.
Harbour Pool will remain closed for all public...
Grants for Non-Profit Organizations 2022
Posted on Monday, May 03, 2021 12:00 PM
The City of Fort Saskatchewan recognizes the important contributions our local non-profit organizations make to our community. If you are a local non-profit and have a community program, event or initiative that you would like to have considered for funding, you may submit a grant application to the City for consideration in the 2022 budget year.
Grant applications will be accepted until Tuesday, June 15 by 4:30pm. You can submit your application by mail, email or drop off to City Hall during regular...
2020 Audited Financial Statements and Annual Report
Posted on Monday, May 03, 2021 11:30 AM
Now available online
Council approved the 2020 Annual Report on April 27 and the report has been posted on the City’s website.
In 2020, the City’s operations were significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting public health orders and safety measures required to mitigate the impacts to the public. Some of the more significant impacts that impacted the City’s financial position included facility closures, changes to programming, deferral of projects, and staffing reductions and redeployments.