Animal Services FAQs
What is the City responsible for when it comes to Animal Control? |
Municipal Enforcement is responsible for bylaw related complaints regarding domestic pets such as dogs or cats; or domestic rabbits or pigeons kept within an enclosure, in accordance with the Bylaw. Municipal Enforcement also responds to complaints related to the Alberta Animal Protection Act and Dangerous Dog Act. |
What do I do when my cat or dog gets lost? |
If your lost pet was found by Municipal Enforcement, and it was wearing a tag clearly displaying the owners phone number, an officer will call you as soon as possible to arrange for you to be reunited with your pet. All lost pets which do not have a visible tag on them with owner information will be posted on the Fort Saskatchewan Animal Control Facebook page. If your pet is not listed, and have not been contacted, call the Municipal Enforcement at 780-997-7930, and your information will be collected, and efforts will be made to try and locate your missing pet. If a pet remains unclaimed after 72 hours, Municipal Enforcement will transfer the care of the animal to a partnering shelter or rescue. |
I found a dog/cat and need someone to come pick the animal up. |
You can call Municipal Enforcement for assistance, 780-997-7930. However, there may not be an Officer available to pick up or accept the animal into our care depending on the time reported or call priority. Before choosing to catch the animal, please make sure you are available to keep them in your care and control until an officer is available to pick it up. |
My neighbour's dog is outside barking for hours, what should I do? |
Have you spoken with your neighbour regarding the barking issue? Some cases the owner does not even realize that the dog is barking due to circumstances such as not being home. Please try and speak to your neighbour first regarding the barking dog issue. Call Municipal Enforcement at 780-997-7930. Please make sure to have the address as to where the dog is barking from. A barking dog log may be provided if there is no improvement after initial Municipal Enforcement involvement. A barking dog log is to record dates, times and durations which the dog was heard barking. After the log is complete, please contact Municipal Enforcement to review the log and deal with the report accordingly. |
I see an increase in coyote activity what should I do? |
Make sure that you are doing your part to reduce the coyote activity. Do not leave food, garbage or dog waste laying on the ground as these items attract coyotes. All coyote activity can be reported to Municipal Enforcement. The City of Fort Saskatchewan monitors coyote reports and activity. The City works with private agencies to help mitigate the number of coyotes within the community and the impact that they have. |
I have a nuisance cat that regularly comes into my yard, what can I do? |
There are steps that residents can take to help mitigate these cats coming onto their property.
Municipal Enforcement has a stock of cat traps that may be rented free of charge to residents within the City of Fort Saskatchewan. These traps must be checked daily by the renter and surrender a trapped cat to Municipal Enforcement. |
Am I allowed to shoot pigeons, or any other pests within Fort Saskatchewan? |
No. There are many different laws that regulate the use of firearms or weapons restricting the use of a firearm to deter birds/pests (federal, provincial and local laws apply). |
What can Fish and Wildlife do to help? |
Visit the Fish and Wildlife Human-Wildlife Conflict webpage for information or check to see if they can assist you with any nuisance wildlife by calling 780-427-3574. |