Insects and Wildlife
Fort Saskatchewan is home to a wide variety of insects and wildlife. Many are beneficial to crops and the environment, sometimes they can cause harm to our plants and animals or be a nuisance around our homes.
Ash Leaf Cone Rollers |
The larvae mine or eat the underside of the Ash tree leaves. This causes the curling of the leaves into a cone shape. The good news with Ash Leaf Cone Rollers is that with most healthy trees, the larvae do not have the ability to kill the tree. The leaves will drop at the end of the season and grow back as they would the following year. If the larvae become a reoccurring problem or you have a large Ash tree you are wanting to protect, stingless wasps can be used as a natural pest control measure. Given the nature of the Ash Leaf Cone Rollers, the use of any chemical spray would render useless as the larvae are wrapped up within the leaf and protected. Resources |
Bees and Wasps |
Visually, these insects can be difficult to identify, but both play an important role in our ecosystem. Wasps serve as a natural pest control as they prey on other insects, and bees are pollinators. For this reason, when it’s safe to do so, the City strives to keep and relocate as many wasp, and bee, nests as possible. If a nest proves to be a safety hazard to the community, Park staff will determine the safest way to proceed using the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program. Bees will swarm together when they travel in search of a new location for a hive. Once they’ve found a location, the bees all hover or land on a tree or bush. If you notice this on your property or in a high traffic area, phone a local beekeeper and they'll happily relocate the bees. If you come across either a wasp nest or a bee hive on a City property, report it on Fort Report. Never approach the nests or try and deal with it yourself! Did you know: 90% of flowering plant species on earth depend on insect pollination? For example, if a honey bee makes 10 trips in a day with its colony of 25,000 bees, and visits between 50-1,000 flowers –that’s 250 million flowers pollinated in a day! Bees are a keystone species, other species in our ecosystem depend on them to survive –including humans! Helpful wasp control tips
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Elm Scale |
The Elm Scale is a sap sucking insect that calls Elm trees home. The trouble with this pest is it feeds on the sap from leaves and branches, and can cause weak trees to die. If your tree is suffering from elm scale it’ll have a sooty, black mold on the leaves from the insects. To rid Elm trees of Elm, it’s recommended to power wash trees to remove the sap and prevention of the sooty mold. Another treatment for Elm Scale is to prune the trees; however, it’s very important to follow the pruning ban in Alberta from April 1 to September 30 every year. This is to prevent Dutch Elm Disease from infecting the Elm trees in the area. Resources |
Pollinators |
What are pollinators?A pollinator is an animal that fertilizes plants by moving pollen form one flower to another. Pollination occurs when pollen grains are moved between two flowers of the same species, or within a single flower, by wind or animals that are pollinators. About 75% of all flowering plants rely on animal pollinators and over 200,000 species of animals act as pollinators such as hummingbirds, bats, and small mammals. The rest are insects such as beetles, bees, ants, wasps, butterflies, and moths. Pollinators are critical in the reproduction of 30% of major food crops. So when you enjoy a juicy apple or a fresh cut tomato you must thank the pollinators of the world. What can we do to help pollinators?Reduce your impact. Reduce or eliminate your pesticide use, increase green spaces, and minimize urbanization. Pollution and climate change affect pollinators, too! Plant for pollinators. Create pollinator-friendly habitats with native flowering plants that supply pollinators with nectar, pollen, and homes. Pollinator friendly plants
Wildlife |
City staff do not remove or relocate wildlife under any circumstances. Please report all concerns to Alberta Fish and Wildlife: 780-427-3574.
Resources |
Woolly Elm Aphids |
Have you ever had sticky sap spots on your vehicle after parking under a tree? This is caused by pests call Woolly Elm Aphids. These pests are harmless to humans and trees alike however, the sap that can be left on your vehicle is a nuisance. Woolly Elm Aphids will eat away at the underside of leaves so that they curl, creating a protective barrier for them from the environment. Since there is no harm caused from these pests, the City does not spray chemicals to get rid of these insects. One recommendation the City can make to homeowners that have Elm trees that contain these Aphids, is to spray water up and down the tree to reduce the stickiness of the sap. Another recommendation is to not park your car under these trees for the few weeks of the year that the Aphids are feeding on the leaves in the month on May.
Notice an issue on City property? Please report it through Fort Report.