Snow Clearing

Snow clearing in residential areas starts only after higher priority areas have been completed and when compacted snow is 75 mm (2.95 inches) thick. Other considerations include street condition, ice control, drainage, and weather forecast. If it begins to snow again while crews are working on residential streets, they go back to clearing the priority areas before picking back up where they left off in the residential area.

City crews will place no parking signs in neighbourhoods throughout Fort Saskatchewan to designate when parking restrictions affect your neighbourhood. Please remove your vehicle from the street the night before your designated day. Vehicles remaining on the street will be ticketed and may be towed. The City's priority is to make the streets safe for all road users by clearing snow quickly and safely.

View the Snow Clearing Schedule

Last Updated: November 28, 2024

Do your part! Obey signs, remove you vehicle from the street on your designated day and follow road equipment at a safe stopping distance.

Please submit a Fort Report request to report any concerns or questions you may have with snow clearing in your neighbourhood.

View the Road Snow Clearing Priorities Map

View the Trail Snow Clearing Map

View the Sandbox Locations Map

Clearing priorities and time frames

Snow Clearing Priority map

View the Road Snow Clearing Priorities Map

Priority #1: Highways
Completed within 6-8 hours of the end of snowfall.

Priority #2: Arterial Roads
Completed within 12-16 hours of the end of snowfall.

Priority #3: Collector/Main Streets
Completed within 30-40 hours once priority #2 is completed.

Priority #4: Industrial/Central Business District
Managed after third priority, and as needed.

Priority #5: Residential Streets
Snow clearing begins when compacted snow is 75 mm (2.95 inches) thick.

Priority #6: Lanes
As required to maintain traffic and emergency vehicle movement.

Parking bans

You can help make snow clearing easier by moving your vehicle(s) off the street during parking bans and neighbourhood snow clearing events.

  • No Parking signs will be placed in the specified area in advance of a clearing event.
  • Municipal Enforcement Services may issue tickets if a vehicle is found to be parked on a street that has a parking ban in place.
  • Municipal Enforcement Services will attempt to contact the registered owner of the vehicles not adhering to the parking ban.
  • If Municipal Enforcement officers are unable to contact the registered vehicle owner before the snow clearing event begins, the vehicle will be towed. The registered owner can contact Municipal Enforcement 780-997-7930 to find where to retrieve their vehicle.

Snow shovelling

Clean Sidewalks, Safe Community

  • Snow must be cleared from residential sidewalks, including sidewalks adjacent to your property, within 48 hours of a snowfall, excluding Sundays and statutory holidays.
  • Commercial properties have 24 hours to remove snow.
  • Failure to remove snow within this time period may result in a $100 fine.
  • The City of Fort Saskatchewan offers Snow Angels, a volunteer snow clearance program to assist seniors with a disability or medical condition in the community.

Keep Snow Off The Streets

Shovelling snow into the streets contributes to unsafe driving conditions and leads to an increase of the overall cost of providing winter road maintenance.

Keep Fire Hydrants Clear of Snow

During winter months, homeowners are asked to clear snow away from fire hydrants on their property. As per the Waterworks Bylaw and the Traffic Bylaw, a clearance of 1.5 meters around is ideal and will mean a hydrant is readily accessible in an emergency.


  • Keep fire hydrants visible.
  • Every second counts in fire fighting.
  • Do not put yourself or your neighbors at risk.

To report a snow covered fire hydrant, contact the City of Fort Saskatchewan at 780-992-6248.

Snow removal information is available in the Waterworks Bylaw and the Traffic Bylaw.

Call 780-997-7930 to contact Municipal Enforcement Services about the Traffic Bylaw.

Snowplow safety

Safety is the City's #1 Priority

  • Never pass a snowplow on the right hand side unless the operator stops, or slows down, and signals you to pass.
  • Be careful and keep a safe distance (30 metres) from any snowplow, grader or truck and loader during snow removal.
  • Observe the signs posted or follow the directions of the crew.