Special Event Permits

A permit is required if you are planning an event on City of Fort Saskatchewan property.

Please have all required documents completed and returned to the Culture and Heritage Supervisor a minimum of 28 days before your event. If all required forms are not completed and returned a minimum of 28 days prior to your event, a late processing fee of $70.00 will apply.

Fill out the Outdoor Special Event Application Form*

*Some versions of Internet Explorer (IE) may not work with this form. Please use another browser to avoid any issues. You can download Google Chrome as an alternative option.

Please note: The submission of the Special Event Application Form and any additional documents required will not guarantee approval of your request. Please contact our office if you have any questions or concerns during the application process or if you would like a paper copy of the form for submission.

Outdoor Venues

The following venues can be used for outdoor events or indoor events that have outdoor components. You can use the following map images for your site-map submission.

Requires booking

If you have not booked your venue, check out our Rentals and Bookings page or email our Bookings department for more information.

The following locations do not require booking:

Grant Funding for Special Events

The City of Fort Saskatchewan values community engagement and has grants available to support community event hosting.

Check out the Shape Your Community Grant.