Emergency Advisory Committee
The Emergency Advisory Committee (EAC) is a Council committee, which guides and directs the City’s Emergency Management Agency (EMA) in the development of a Municipal Emergency Plan (MEP), and any related programs.
The EAC shall play a role in disaster and emergency situations, which may include the authorization, declaration, renewal, or termination of a state of local emergency.
The EAC meets at minimum once each year, or as required.
The EAC includes all members of Council with the Mayor as Chair; in the Mayor's absence, the Deputy Mayor shall assume duties of the Chair.
Roles and responsibilities
The EAC follows information prescribed by the Managing Director of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, for command, control, and coordination systems.
When a disaster or emergency does not exist, the EAC shall:
- Review and advise the City about the MEP and related programs on an annual basis;
- Approve the MEP, on an annual basis;
- Assess the hazards, risks, and mitigation strategies affecting the City; and
- determine the level of Emergency Management resourcing for the City.
During an emergency or disaster, the EAC shall:
- maintain regular Council member duties, to the extent possible;
- provide political, financial, and resourcing support to the EMA; and
- may be required to declare a State of Local Emergency (SOLE).
Additional information
Emergency Advisory Committee Terms of Reference