Land Use Bylaw
Adopted by City Council on August 25, 2020, the Land Use Bylaw is a key regulatory document in shaping how properties can be developed and used.
The Land Use Bylaw outlines specific rules and regulations for different areas within the city. These regulations cover various aspects of land use, including, but not limited to:
- Types of permissible uses (e.g., residential, commercial, public services, manufacturing, entertainment)
- Building setbacks from property lines
- Building height
- Landscaping requirements
- Parking, and
- Signage regulations.
It is important to note that the Land Use Bylaw does not cover safety and construction standards for buildings, which fall under the Alberta Building Code. Nor does it regulate business licensing, which is governed by the Business Licence Bylaw.
The Land Use Bylaw is periodically updated when amendments are approved by City Council.
New Land Use Bylaw (LUB)
The City is in the process of creating a new Land Use Bylaw (LUB) to ensure consistency with the City’s Municipal Development Plan: Our Fort. Our Future. For project information and public engagement opportunities, please click the More information link below.