Public Library Board
The Public Library Board is responsible for the operation of the Public Library. The Library has been established under the Libraries Act and the Board is responsible to ensure the Library is operated in accordance with that Act.
Regular meetings are held monthly (ten per year – evenings) on a date and time to be determined by the Board.
Membership of the Board is comprised of one member of City Council and nine members of the public-at-large.
The term of appointment for all public members is three years. A member of the Board is eligible to be reappointed for two additional consecutive terms of office, unless at least 2/3 of the whole Council passes a resolution stating that the member may be reappointed as a member for more than three consecutive terms.
Roles and responsibilities as a board member
Board members shall:
- Ensure effective management and operation of the Public Library.
- Serve on one of the following Standing Committees
- Assist in the development of annual budgets and financial statements.
- Promote and encourage community use of the services, resources and programs provided by the Library.
- Assist in the planning and development of specific requirements or programs for the Library.
Evaluation of Board effectiveness is done through review at an Annual Board Workshop.
Additional information
Board Members and Meeting Minutes