River Valley Alliance
The River Valley Alliance (RVA) is a not-for-profit organization made up of the seven shareholder municipalities that border the North Saskatchewan River in the Edmonton Metropolitan region: the Town of Devon, Parkland County, Leduc County, the City of Edmonton, Strathcona County, the City of Fort Saskatchewan, and Sturgeon County.
The RVA’s goal is to create trail connectivity and access through a balanced approach of preserving, protecting and enhancing one of the largest metropolitan river valley park systems in the world. Projects include trails, pedestrian bridges, and boat access. The ultimate objective of the RVA is to connect one continuous trail from Devon to Fort Saskatchewan, spanning approximately 125 km.
Role and authority of the River Valley Alliance
The RVA has developed a concept plan for future development of the river valley, and is responsible for coordinating and networking with river valley stakeholders and all levels of government to realize the implementation of the concept plan.
The RVA does not have any statutory planning or development approval authority over lands within the river valley, as this rests with municipal authorities under the Municipal Government Act. All municipal initiated projects that fall within the RVA concept plan remain under municipal governance for planning, development approval and funding.
The RVA has a role to fund raise to support of municipal river valley project initiatives.
RVA Board of Directors: Two members of Council, with one member of Council serving as alternate, and one public-at-large appointed by Council. Meetings are monthly.
RVA Community Engagement Committee: Two public-at-large representatives serve on this committee (appointed by Council). The Community Engagement Committee is a Standing Committee of the RVA. The roles and responsibilities of this committee include being RVA ambassadors in the community. Meetings are monthly.