A request to present at a Council or a Committee of the Whole meeting can be made to:
- provide information on matters of public interest; and
- request a decision of Council.
Before you request to have an item placed on the Council Agenda, please review the information below:
When are meetings held?
Regular Council meetings
- The second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Council Chambers of City Hall.
- Regular Council meetings start at 2:00 p.m.
- When required, closed meetings, which are not open to the public, will be held after the meeting.
- Council Meetings are video streamed live.
Committee of the Whole meetings
Are the meetings open to the public?
Yes, Council Meetings and Committee of the Whole Meetings are open to the public.
What are the methods of speaking before Council?
The Council Chamber has been renovated and the technology upgraded to allow in-person and virtual participants to attend concurrently.
Members of the public who wish to speak to Council as a delegation or during a Public Hearing must still register in advance at legislativeservices@fortsask.ca before noon on the day of the meeting. Registered speakers will have the option of attending in person or virtually by Webex.
There are three methods for speaking to Council:
Delegation (speaking to an item on the agenda);
- You may speak to any current items listed on the regular Council or Committee of the Whole meeting agenda.
- You would be allocated a maximum of 5 minutes to speak to the item.
- Dialogue that pertains to a Public Hearing shall be heard during the Public Hearing portion of the agenda.
- Matters before the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board will not be heard by Council.
- Registration is not required, but is encouraged. You can register at: legislativeservices@fortsask.ca.
- If you cannot attend the Delegations portion of the agenda, written submissions are welcome and will be distributed to Council prior to the meeting. Please note that written submissions will not be read into the record and will not form part of the minutes.
Registered Presentation (providing information or requesting a decision)
If you are registered to speak, you will be asked to approach the presentation table and state your name for the record. If several members of a group are present, one member should be appointed to act as the spokesperson.
Public Hearing
- Public Hearings are held in accordance with the Municipal Government Act for proposed changes to the City's Land Use Bylaw. Any proposed land use redistricting requires a bylaw to be approved by Council.
- A Public Hearing is scheduled at a regular Council meeting once a Land Use Bylaw amendment has been given first reading.
- Registration is not required, but is encouraged. You can register at: legislativeservices@fortsask.ca.
- If you cannot attend the Public Hearing, written submissions are welcome and will be distributed to Council prior to the meeting. Written submissions will form part of the public agenda.
- The Mayor will briefly outline the Public Hearing procedures.
- Speakers who have registered with Legislative Services will speak first, followed by others who wish to speak in support or opposition of the bylaw. Everyone present will be given an opportunity to be heard.
- Verbal presentations are limited to 5 minutes.
- The order of speaking will be: Administration, and then the public. Council may ask any speaker clarifying questions.
- Once all speakers have been heard, the Mayor will close the Public Hearing, ending the public comment portion of the meeting. Council will debate the bylaw and vote.
Helpful Information when you are making your presentation:
- Speak directly into the microphone to ensure you are heard.
- Following your presentation, Council may ask clarifying questions.
- The Mayor (or delegate) is the Chair of the meeting and should be addressed as “Your Worship”.
- When responding to questions from Council, direct your answers through the Chair.
How do I submit a request?
A letter or email can be submitted by:
Email: legislativeservices@fortsask.ca
Mail: Mayor & City Council c/o Legislative Services City of Fort Saskatchewan 10005 – 102 Street Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 2C5
In Person: City Hall Front Desk Reception, 10005 102 Street
What should I include in my submission?
- Name and contact information (mailing address, daytime phone/cell and/or email address).
- Indicate whether your presentation is for Council's information or if you plan to make a request of Council.
- Outline the details of your presentation, providing sufficient background information on the topic(s) you plan to discuss.
- Indicate if you will be attending in person or virtually by Webex.
- Registered presentations will be provided with a pre-determined allotment of time.
When will my issue be discussed?
From the time a request is received it can take up to six weeks to appear before Council, depending on availability.
Are all requests to present at a Council or a Committee of the Whole meeting granted?
Depending on the nature of your request, City Administration may be able to assist you, eliminating the need to present to Council. However, there may be instances where a presentation to Council would not be appropriate. All topics presented to Council must be within the scope and control of the City and must be in good taste. Presenters who wish to register for multiple meetings to present about the same topic(s) will likely not be registered.
When will a decision be made on my presentation?
Council may make a decision following your request, however there are occasions when additional information is required before members of Council could make an informed decision. In this event, the item may be referred back to Administration for additional information, then addressed at a future Council meeting. You will be advised of Council's decision with respect to your item.
When are Council agendas available?
Council agendas are made available on the City's website 6 days prior to a meeting. You will be advised by phone and/or email of the approximate time that Council would be discussing your specific item.
Do I have to speak at a Council Meeting?
You do not need to speak at the Council or Committee of the Whole meeting. However, if you wish to speak to your item, please indicate as such in your letter, or contact Legislative Services prior to the meeting. It may be beneficial for you to be in attendance at the meeting to answer any questions Council may have.
Can I use audio-visual equipment for my presentation?
- Yes, Council Chambers is fully equipped for audio-visual presentations. Please contact Legislative Services the Friday prior to the Council or Committee of the Whole meeting to advise what is required for your presentation.
- If you have a PowerPoint for your presentation it is recommended that you email it to Legislative Services for inclusion with Council's agenda package at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. Legislative Services will also ensure that your PowerPoint presentation is available to you prior to the meeting.