Environmental Initiatives

Fort Saskatchewan's community vision states:

“As a community we are stewards of the environment and are committed to using our resources wisely.”

The City of Fort Saskatchewan is involved in many initiatives and programs related to environmental and resource management.

  • The City's Green Team is an administrative committee dedicated to educating staff and encouraging smart use of resources for City operations and staff events
  • The City uses Enviroshred, a confidential and secure shredding service that recycles the material.
  • The City participates in Pitch-In Week and Earth Hour
Land Use and Natural Areas
  • Sustainable pest management strategies are used across the city by the Parks staff, including the use of goats and environmentally-friendly products to control invasive plants. Manure from the goats is also composted and used as a fertilizer for community planters.
  • Two pollinator gardens in Fort Saskatchewan help support local bee populations. Honey Bees are considered threatened under the Species at Risk Act.
  • Two community gardens promote local food production.
  • Trees are planted or replaced each year to maintain our urban forests. Trees have the ability to sequester carbon, act as a natural temperature regulator during summer heatwaves, provide erosion control, and act as corridors for wildlife.
  • A five year, multi-phase project to replant West Rivers Edge with 150–200 trees with each phase. Through reforestation, the urban forest is enhanced to support ecosystem health and local habitat for wildlife.
  • 2.95 hectares in the industrial district was dedicated to creating a natural area that will act as a carbon sink. Native tree species will be planted on site.
  • Bike parking areas, as well as events offering free bicycle tune-ups, have been implemented to encourage sustainable and active transportation.
  • An extensive trail network throughout Fort Saskatchewan enables efficient and safe commuting for non-vehicle travelers.
Waste Management 
  • Waste reduction and diversion initiatives are prevalent in the community. This includes the Fort Sask Waste Program, sorting stations in City buildings, year-round hazardous waste collection opportunities, and zero-waste staff events. Combined, these programs reduce Fort Saskatchewan’s waste to landfill and contribute to local recycling and composting operations. Fort Saskatchewan’s residential program currently diverts 58% of material from the landfill.
  • Cigarette butt collection stations throughout the City help properly manage this waste material, while reducing negative impacts on wildlife and waterways. To date, the City has collected over 75,000 cigarette butts. Once collected, the plastic is recycled into pallets or benches and any remaining tobacco is composted.
  • Recycled concrete and asphalt are used in local road and neighbourhood projects. Recycled millings were used to create trails in West River’s Edge and the parking lots at Taurus Field and the Gymnastics Centre.
  • Dependency on printed paper has been reduced by establishing City procedures for electronic file sharing and invoice approvals. Community members are also choosing to receive their monthly utility bills electronically.
Water Health and Conservation 
  • Fort Saskatchewan is a member of the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance. The North Saskatchewan River watershed is one of seven major watersheds in Alberta, is a large and very diverse drainage area.  
  • Flower arrangements, including all planters and hanging baskets, are watered using storm water captured in two large rain barrels from the roof of the Peter Schmidt Mechanic Shop.
  • Rainwater is collected at the Curling Club for use at the adjacent community garden.
  • 60 – 70% of storm water runoff is diverted into engineered ponds or bio-swales prior to being released into the North Saskatchewan River. These storm water management facilities help remove contaminates and sediments from the water, ensuring the water is cleaned before it enters the river. These ponds and bio-swales also create habitat for animals and plants.
  • The Kin Family Spray Park is designed to divert water to the storm water system rather than through the sanitary system.
Energy Efficiency, Air Quality and Climate 
  • Fort Saskatchewan is collaborating with ATCO on a hydrogen blending project, which will decrease emissions from residential natural gas use. The City is working closely with ATCO to communicate the environmental benefits of this new technology.
  • Leaves and grass are being mulched on-site in public areas as a way to decrease emissions related to hauling and disposal.
  • Satellite yards for Parks maintenance established in 2020 to increase social distancing resulted in lower fuel consumption and decreased emissions from driving.
  • Fuel efficiency is one criteria for fleet purchases
  • The City of Fort Saskatchewan is a member of the Fort Air Partnership and currently hosts four active air quality monitoring stations (three continuous monitors and one passive monitor). This data helps contribute to knowledge and corrective actions related to regional air quality.
  • City facility retrofits actively prioritize the use of energy efficient appliances and fixtures.
  • Consolidation of physical servers into a virtual network environment recognized energy savings of $2000 – $3000 per year