Traffic Safety: Vision Zero

What is Vision Zero?

Vision Zero is the long term goal of zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the City of Fort Saskatchewan.

We are committed to increasing traffic safety. Overall collisions have been reduced in the last five years by 42%. Yet, people are still injured in traffic collisions. The impact can be life changing for everyone; families, first responders, and the community. Whether you drive, walk, ride a bicycle or take the bus, traffic safety affects everyone.

Let's get our families home safe. No loss of life or serious injury collision is acceptable.

View the City of Fort Saskatchewan's Traffic Safety Plan

View our 2018 Traffic Safety Survey Results

Automated Traffic Enforcement (ATE)

Public safety is the City’s highest priority. Utilizing this life-saving technology allows the RCMP and Municipal Enforcement Services (MES) to attend to other high-priority matters throughout the city while still enhancing safety for our community.

Automated safety enforcement programs are proven to positively change driver behaviour and enhance road safety by reducing the number of collisions, injuries, and fatalities that occur as a result of red-light running and speeding. An IIHS study compared large cities with red-light safety cameras to those without and found the devices reduced the fatal red-light running crash rate by 21 percent and the rate of all types of fatal crashes at signalized intersections by 14 percent.

Fort Saskatchewan prides itself on employing the Safe Systems Model; an evidence-based approach that assesses, guides, and improves traffic safety by considering how all components of the transportation system interact. We employ a comprehensive strategy that encompasses education, engineering, engagement, enforcement, and evaluation.

As of 2022:

  • Traffic on Highway 21 and Highway 15 had increased by 14% since 2019. Fort Saskatchewan now sees approximately 14,000,000 vehicles a year travelling through the major intersections along this route.
  • In 2008, when the ATE program was started, the population in Fort Saskatchewan was 16,793, and in 2022 the population had grown to 28,045, an increase of 67%. Even though we have had a large increase to the population, fatal and injury collisions are down by 13.4%, and the overall number of fatal and injury collisions per 1000 residents is down by 48.4%. This can be linked and attributed in no small part by the ATE program.

To learn more about the ATE program, its objectives, and the positive impact it has on community safety, please call 780-997-7930 or email

ATE Guidelines

The Automated Traffic Enforcement Guideline governs how municipalities and law enforcement agencies employ photo radar in Alberta. These guidelines are based on 4 guiding principles:

  1. Transportation safety must be the primary objective of ATE programs in the province.
  2. Police services, in collaboration with municipalities, are accountable for ensuring ATE programs are used to improve transportation safety outcomes.
  3. Ongoing evaluation of ATE programs will ensure they improve transportation safety outcomes.
  4. Public transparency is paramount for the success of ATE programs.

ATE can be placed in areas that have:

  • Higher frequency of collisions
  • Higher frequency of speeding
  • Higher frequency of intersection contraventions
  • Designated zones
    • School or Playground zone that is denoted to be a 30 km/h
    • A construction zone

ATE can not be used:

  • In speed transition zones
  • In residential areas where speed limits are under 50 km/h

ATE Locations in Fort Saskatchewan

In Fort Saskatchewan, permanent ATE sites, commonly referred to as Intersection Safety Device (ISD), are found at these locations:

View Automated Enforcement Locations Map

  • ATE/ISD locations are operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Mobile enforcement locations are operational at various times and days during the week.
ATE/ISD Locations
Location IDHighway/IntersectionDirection of Travel
ABFSAR001 HWY 15 NE BND @ 114 STREET North
ABFSAR005 HWY 15 SW BND @ 114 STREET South
ABFSAR006 HWY 15 NE BND @ 101 STREET North
ABFSAR007 HWY 15 SW BND @ HWY 21 South
ABFSAR009 HWY 21 NE BND @ HWY 15 North
Mobile Enforcement Locations
Location IDHighway/IntersectionDirection of Travel
ABFSAV020 101 ST NW BND @ 98 AV SZ North
ABFSAV021 101 ST SE BND @ 98 AV SZ South
ABFSAV023  82 ST SE BND SZ South
ABFSAV030 HWY 15 NE BND @89 AVE North
ABFSAV031 HWY 15 SW BND @89 AVE 119 ST South
ABFSAV032 HWY 15 SW BND @ 125 Street South

ATE Revenue

The City of Fort Saskatchewan invests a portion of the revenue from Automated Traffic Enforcement back into Traffic Safety Initiatives. Both Protective Services and the City Engineering Department utilize a portion of the revenue to invest back into traffic safety initiatives.

Projected 2023 Automated Traffic Enforcement Revenue: $1,090,390

Protective Services Traffic Safety Initiative Funds: $85,000

Protective Services Traffic Safety Initiatives include:

  • Traffic Safety Education through media campaigns Mix 107.9 radio station
  • Bike Rodeo - youth education in bicycle safety
  • Slow Down lawn sign campaign – 2023 initiative
  • MES Officer Bike Patrol Program
  • Traffic Safety Equipment

Fleet, Facilities and Engineering Department Traffic Safety Initiative Funds: $75,000

  • Traffic Calming Infrastructure
  • Pedestrian Flashing Beacon Lights

ATE Data

The City of Fort Saskatchewan was averaging 1 to 2 fatal collisions per year leading up to 2008. In 2007, the City lowered the Highway 21 and Highway 15 speed limit to 70 km/h in part to address the number and nature of collisions along the urban highway corridor.

By 2008, our rate of fatal and injury collisions stood at 3.989 per 1000 residents. In 2009, the City introduced our first two intersection safety devices at problem intersections. That year, the two intersection safety devices recorded an average of 14 red-light violations per week or 7 per week per intersection.

Between 2008 and 2015, the City added additional police and peace officers, and additional intersection safety devices at high collision locations or approaches to those locations. In 2015, the intersection safety devices recorded an average of 4 red-light violations per week across multiple sites and our rate of fatal and injury collisions decreased to 1.872 per 1000 residents, a 53% reduction. By 2022, there has been a 48% reduction in fatal and injury collisions, when compared to 2008.

Yearly Comparator – All collisions for Fort Saskatchewan
Population 26,328 26,942 27,391 27,650 28,045
Fatal & Injury (F&I) Collisions 43 52 42 46 58
F&I Collision Rate per 1000 Residents 1.633 1.93 1.533 1.664 2.068
Number of Intersection Safety Devices (ISD) 9 9 9 9 9
Number of ISD Locations 6 6 6 6 6
  • When compared to 2008, there has been a 48% reduction in fatal and injury collisions in 2022.
  • Since 2018, there has been a 27% increase in fatal and injury collisions.
  • The population of Fort Saskatchewan has increased 6.5% in the last 5 years.
Automated Traffic Enforcement: Issued Violations
Category20182019202020212022% Change
Speed on Green 15,909 20,400 13,508 19,442 18,392 15.61%
Red Light 551 420 403 653 807 46.46%
Photo Radar 687 484 152 137 0 -100.00%
Total 18,111 23,638 14,063 20,232 19,199 11.97%
2022 January to December - City of Fort Saskatchewan Intersection Safety Device Data
SiteLocationVehicle Count at SiteSpeed on Green Issued TicketsRed Light Issued TicketsTotal Issued ViolationsPercent Ticketed
601 HWY 15 SW BND @ HWY 21 2,106,558 155 45 200 0.009
608 HWY 21 NE BND @ HWY 15 1,794,971 171 47 218 0.0012
609 HWY 21 NE BND TURN LANE @ HWY 15 731,688 0 237 237 0.032
602 HWY 15 NE BND @ 101 ST 1,285,151 130 35 165 0.013
603 HWY 21 SW BND @ 84 ST 2,198,253 1,872 118 1,990 0.091
604 HWY 21 NE BND @ SOUTHFORT BLVD 1,573,701 1,414 30 1,445 0.092
605 99 AVE NE BND @ 95 ST 953,247 2,522 232 2,754 0.289
606 HWY 15 SW BND @ 114 ST 1,687,063 7,108 29 7,137 0.423
607 HWY 15 NE BND @ 114 ST 1,730,501 5,019 34 5,053 0.292
Total 14,061,133 18,391 807 19,199 0.14

Less than 1% of traffic through the ISD sites receive a speeding or red light violation.

Intersection Safety Device Site Collision Data
SiteLocationFatal CollisionsInjury CollisionsProperty Damage CollisionsTotal
'20 '21 '22 '20 '21 '22 '20 '21 '22 2020-2022




HWY 15 SW BND @ HWY 21

HWY 21 NE BND @ HWY 15


0 0 0 6 4 4 7 18 13 52
602 HWY 15 NE BND @ 101 ST 0 0 0 0 4 3 9 11 5 32
603 HWY 21 SW BND @ 84 ST 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 5 13
604 HWY 21 NE BND @ SOUTHFORT BLVD 0 0 0 1 5 7 5 3 11 32
605 99 AVE NE BND @ 95 ST 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 7



HWY 15 SW BND @ 114 ST HWY 15 NE BND @ 114 ST 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 3 12


0 0 0 10 15 15 26 43 37 148


Red Light Safety Cameras

When are the Red-Light Safety Cameras operational?

Red-light safety cameras will be operational 24/7.

What is a red-light running violation?

A red-light running violation occurs when a motorist enters an intersection after the traffic signal has turned red. This violation is a non-moving infraction and does not result in the assessment of points against the driver.

What is the fine amount for a Red-Light Running violation?

The fine amount for a red-light safety camera is $405.00.

Will “points” be assessed to my driving record?

No, this ticket is not considered a “moving violation”. It is a ticket holding the registered owner or lessee responsible for the violation (similar to a parking ticket.) No points can be assessed for this violation, and it will not affect your insurance rates. Drivers who receive red-light safety camera violations are cited for red-light violations only.

How does the Red-Light Safety Camera work?

Red light safety camera system

Step 1: The system activates upon entering the intersection on a red light. The automated safety camera captures multiple images of an alleged violation from the rear of the vehicle.

Step 2: The first image shows the vehicle prior to entering the intersection while the light is red.

Step 3: The second image shows the vehicle proceeding through the intersection on a red light.

Step 4: A close-up image of the license plate is also provided with the evidence.

Step 5: Data, including the time, date, and duration of the yellow and red lights, is also recorded.

Step 6: Cameras also record a 12-second digital video of the violation, including six seconds prior to and six seconds after running the red light.

The City of Fort Saskatchewan MES reviews each incident before a ticket is issued. The notice of violation will contain images of the vehicle and a close-up of the license plate.

Speed Safety Camera Program

When are the speed safety cameras operational?

Speed safety cameras operate on an enforcement schedule that is regularly updated.

Will “points” be assessed on my driving record?

A speed violation is not considered a “moving violation”. No points can be assessed, and it will not raise your insurance rate.

Can I be ticketed for multiple violations?

Drivers who receive speed violations are cited for speed violations only.

Will the speed safety cameras take a picture of the driver?

No, only the rear of the vehicle will be captured. The registered owner is responsible for the speed violation.

How does the speed safety camera work?

Speed Safety Camera System

Step 1: The system identifies any vehicle traveling equal to or faster than the province threshold and triggers the speed safety camera which captures the event.

Step 2: A series of images are captured of the vehicle as it passes the speed safety camera, capturing the distance and time of travel.

Step 3: The license plate image is cropped from one of the images captured.

Step 4: Data, including the time, date, posted speed, vehicle speed, location, lane, and direction of travel, is collected.

What to do if you receive a Notice of Violation

Why did I receive this Notice of Violation?

Based upon images captured by the automated enforcement program, your vehicle was determined to have committed a red-light or speed violation. As the vehicle owner, the Notice of Violation is mailed to you. If you have additional questions, please call Municipal Enforcement Services at 780-997-7930 and have your license plate number readily available.

What if I lost my Notice of Violation?

Please call Municipal Enforcement Services at 780-997-7930 and have your license plate number readily available.

How can I see the video and images captured for my Notice of Violation?

The recorded images and video will be submitted as evidence in any Administrative Hearing for this violation. You may view your images online at and log in with your notice of violation PIN and license plate numbers.

You can also view the disclosure of the ticket, any photos/video, as well as pay the ticket or dispute the ticket online at

What company provides the Automated Enforcement Technology?

Verra Mobility is committed to developing and enabling the latest in innovative technology and advanced data intelligence to help make transportation safer and easier for all. As a global company operating in more than 20 countries, Verra Mobility is at the center of the intelligent transportation ecosystem – one that brings together people, vehicles, devices, information, and infrastructure to solve the most complex challenges faced by our customers and the communities they serve. The City of Fort Saskatchewan and the Fort Saskatchewan RCMP have contracted with Verra Mobility, which provides smart and safe mobility solutions for communities across the globe. More information about Verra Mobility is available at

Additional resources

ATE Annual Report (2022/2023)

ATE Technology Guideline (2021)

Traffic Safety Plan (2023-2026)

Traffic Safety Plan (2019-2022)

Capital Region Intersection Safety Partnership (CRISP)

The City of Fort Saskatchewan is a proud partner of the Capital Region Intersection Safety Partnership; an organization with a focus on intersection safety through the sharing or resources and best practices in the areas of education, engineering, and enforcement.

Speed increases stopping distance chart

Collision Data

The City of Fort Saskatchewan has made progress on reducing fatalities and serious injuries as well as overall total collisions on our roadways over the years. With the implementation of the Safety System Approach to traffic safety which encourages a better understanding of the key elements of the road system, road users including: drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, vehicles, roads and roadsides and travel speeds.

Safe Systems diagram

Collisions At a Glance

2023 Collision Quick Facts

  • 417 Collisions were reported in the City of Fort Saskatchewan
    • 320 Collisions + 97 Hit & Runs
  • ZERO fatal collision events occurred
  • 20 vulnerable road user collisions have occurred
    • 9 pedestrian; 5 motorcycle; 6 cyclist
  • 61 Injury-related collisions were reported
    • 42 of the 61 injury-related collisions were minor injuries; where the injured party was assessed roadside and able to proceed home without medical intervention
    • 19 of the 61 injury-related collisions were major injuries; where the injured party was transported to hospital for immediate medical needs
  • Backing up, rear end, and struck object collisions are the top 3 most common primary event (59%)
  • 35% of reported collisions took place in intersections
  • Tuesday (81) and Friday (75) are the most common days for a collision to occur
  • March (41), June (41), and December (40) had the highest number of collisions
  • The most common time for collisions to occur was between 3pm – 6pm

Monitoring collision trends

The RCMP and Municipal Enforcement Services monitors the previous years collision trends to help plan for key focus areas for the upcoming year. Some of the key focus areas include:

  • Speed – speed increases both the frequency and severity of motor vehicle collisions.
  • Intersections – the majority of fatal and serious injury collisions are intersection related.
  • Education – the majority of collisions are the result of driver behavior. Protective Services will focus on Education and Awareness around safe driving behavior.

City of Fort Saskatchewan Collision Data

Five year collision data chart

Five Year Collision Data
Type of Collision 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Collisions 354 377 393 455 417
Property Damage Collisions 302 243 267 275 259
Injury Collisions 50 42 46 58 61
Minor Injuries 44 39 40 55 42
Major Injuries 6 3 6 2 19
Fatal Events 2 1 0 1 0
Hit & Run N/A 91 80 122 97
Primary Cause of Collision
Primary Injury Collision Event 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 % Change
Total Fatal Events 2 1 0 1 0 -100%
Struck Object 0 1 0 1 0 N/A
Left Turn Across Path 2 0 0 0 0 -100%
Total Injury Collisions 50 42 46 58 61 22%
Rear End 18 18 15 16 22 22%
Struck Object 19 13 9 11 7 -63%
Left Turn Across Path 8 5 5 11 13 63%
Right Angle 2 2 9 10 10 400%
Backed Up 2 1 1 2 1 -50%
Side Swipe 1 0 5 4 3 200%
Off-Road 0 3 1 1 1 100%
Passing - Left Turn 0 0 0 2 0 N/A
Other 0 0 0 0 4 400%

* Collisions involving rear-end are the primary cause of injury collisions

PREVENT Rear-End Collisions

  • Following to Close
  • Failing to maintain the proper safe distance between two vehicles
  • Driver distracted driving
  • Failing to account for road conditions
  • Speeding

Vulnerable Road User Collisions

Pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcycle riders share the roadways with all vehicle operators on a daily basis. These road users, termed vulnerable road users, have less protection than drivers of other types of transportation, making them more vulnerable to imminent roadway hazards.

Vulnerable Road User Collisions chart

Five Year Vulnerable User Collisions Data
Type of Collision 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Vulnerable Road User Collisions 11 5 5 8 20
Pedestrians 4 0 2 4 9
Cyclists 3 3 1 1 6
Motorcyclists 4 2 2 3 5

Mobile Photo Enforcement Vehicle

The City of Fort Saskatchewan had deployed a mobile photo enforcement vehicle with a new look as part of our Automated Traffic Enforcement (ATE) program. This vehicle will have a crucial role in enhancing speed and traffic safety awareness in specific areas throughout the city.

Mobile Photo Enforcement Vehicle

Equipped with a prominent "Drive Safe" sign, our mobile photo enforcement vehicle will be dedicated to the following areas:

  • Fort Elementary Christian School
  • James Mowat Elementary School
  • John Paul II Catholic School
  • River Road/Turner Park
  • Hwy 15 at the intersection of 89 Ave
  • West Park Drive at Pryce Alderson Park
Photo Laser Sites
Photo Laser Sites may be active at any of the following locations:
  • All School Zones (During School Days)
  • All Playground Zones
  • Highway 21 (All directions)
  • Highway 15 (All directions)
  • 99 Avenue (East and Westbound)
  • River Road (East and Westbound)
  • Southfort Drive (North and Southbound)
  • 86 Avenue (North and Southbound)

Intersection Safety Device Systems are active at the following intersections:

  • Highway 21 and Southfort Boulevard
  • Highway 21 and 84 Street
  • Highway 21 and Highway 15 (North and Southbound)
  • Highway 15 and 101 Street
  • Highway 15 and 114 Street
  • 99 Avenue at 95 Street

View Automated Enforcement Locations Map

Speed Display Signs

The City of Fort Saskatchewan Municipal Enforcement Services houses speed sign data through 10 digital sites across the City. These sites are not to be confused with automated enforcement cameras as they do not visually record passing vehicles nor relay license plate or vehicle descriptors. Speed display sites solely capture the speed of passing vehicles and instantly relays the registered speed to the vehicle driver and occupants, and further to the end-user (MES).

These digital signs display driver speed data, making drivers aware that they are travelling under, at, or above the speed limit. The goal is for speeding drivers to reduce their speeds once they realize they are travelling too fast. Driver feedback signs operate on the feedback loop theory: when people are presented with information about their performance, they tend to notice and improve. Digital speed signs active this theory by alerting speeding drivers to their current speeds with posted speed limit signs. The 10 sites have been installed in areas where speeding has been brought up as a concern and they are further used to gather information to see if additional traffic control measures are needed. This technology is much more than just a device for traffic calming, as it is also a necessary partner in conventional speed limit enforcement efforts.

Average Speeds from Speed Display Signs

Average Speeds from Speed Display Signs chart

**All above speed average recordings display speed averages below or at the posted speed limit

Speed Display Signs Locations

Map of speed display sign locations


Traffic Safety Working Group

The Traffic Safety Working Group includes members from Protective Services, RCMP, Municipal Enforcement, Transportation, Engineering and Project Management, Fire, Industry, Elk Island School Transportation Administration. This group shares the responsibility for traffic safety in the City of Fort Saskatchewan and addresses traffic safety concerns from an interdepartmental perspective to achieve the safest possible conditions for all users of our roadways.

The Traffic Safety Working Group provides expertise, conducts research, analyze data and make recommendations to the City in relation to traffic safety concerns.

Report a traffic safety concern

Vision Zero

The City of Fort Saskatchewan is a proud member of the Vision Zero Network. Vision Zero is the long term goal of zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries in the City of Fort Saskatchewan.

Vision Zero Guiding Principles

  • We all make mistakes
  • No loss of life is acceptable
  • Traffic fatalities and serious injuries are preventable
  • We are physically vulnerable when involved in motor vehicle collisions
  • Eliminating fatalities and serious injuries is a shared responsibility between road users and engineers

How will we achieve vision zero?

Vision Zero is a long-term strategy, that means changes to infrastructure and traffic safety culture will take time. The Safe Systems Model is an evidence-based approach that allows us to check, guide and improve traffic safety by considering how all parts of the transportation system interact.

We will eliminate serious injury using the Safe System Approach, and the five E's of traffic safety:

  • Engineering
  • Education
  • Enforcement
  • Engagement
  • Evaluation

Fort Saskatchewan Traffic Safety Initiatives

  • Bike Rodeo – Education on bicycle safety for youth
  • Option 4 Program – Education in lieu of fine option
  • Flashing Pedestrian Crosswalks
  • Speed Display Signs – providing feedback to drivers on speeds
  • M.E and You Messages – providing education and information on various topics
  • Joint Forces Traffic Safety Operations


Commercial Vehicle Inspection Blitz 

Fort Saskatchewan Municipal Enforcement, in partnership with key agencies, conducted a commercial vehicle inspection blitz during the summer of 2024 to enhance road safety and compliance. Over 40 vehicles were inspected, with 132 violations identified, highlighting the importance of regular safety checks. Learn more about the blitz campaign here, and watch the recap video below.