Budget and Finances
Our Financial Services team is responsible for recording, monitoring and regularly reporting on all City financial activities.
The team's primary services include:
- all accounts payable
- billing and payment services for taxes and utilities
- budget preparation and reporting
- cash and investment management
- financial stewardship of City assets and resources
- financial expertise to Council, the City Manager and City departments
- policies and procedures for corporate and financial resources
- procurement
Budget |
Our City's budget process is based on effective short and long-term planning in support of the goals of Council's Strategic Plan and the needs of the community. City departments submit annual budget requests for the upcoming year to Council in November for approval by December 31. All budget meetings are open to the public.
Additional information |
Financial Reports |
Annual and Interim ReportsAnnual and interim reports include:
Financial Statements |
The City of Fort Saskatchewan annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. Council appoints auditors to review and report on the statements. The consolidated financial statements reflect the assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and change in net financial assets (net debt) of the City and the Fort Saskatchewan Public Library. View the 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements |
Additional resources
Department User Fees and Charges Policy and Procedure
Management and Financial Reporting Policy
Operating and Capital Expenses Policy