Municipal Development Plan

Shaping the Future of Fort Saskatchewan!

The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is an important planning and decision-making tool that provides strategies and policies to inform the work of City staff (like planners, engineers, and parks folks). The Plan guides how the City looks, feels, and functions as we grow to a community of 50,000 residents. The final engagement closed September 27, 2020. Council formally adopted the Plan on January 26, 2021. Thank you to all the residents that have helped shape this plan.

Please see the Plan below.

Our Fort. Our Future. MDP

If you would like to learn more, please check out the videos and engagement summary reports available on this page.

MDP Implementation

To ensure the City is taking action to achieve the vision and goals of the MDP, Administration is monitoring the MDP Implementation Targets (in Section 12) and Planning & Capital Infrastructure Projects (in Section 13) and will report to Council and the public every two years. Below is the first bi-annual update on the MDP Implementation.

Municipal Development Plan Bi-Annual Update 2023

How did we get here? Watch this video to learn more

Final Engagement Summary

MDP Draft Policies Engagement

The Community Direction Statement (CDS) and Pillars were created following the My Fort. My City. My Say. public engagements and validated with a series of public engagements in the Fall of 2019.

The Growth Strategy is our approach to fulfilling CDS and Pillars. The video below explains the strategy.

The following policy sections of the MDP were brought to the public in focus groups and online questionnaires in February, March and August of 2020:

  • Mobility
  • Natural Systems & Green Infrastructure
  • Our Neighbourhoods
    • General
    • Downtown
    • Established Neighbourhoods
    • Developing Neighbourhoods
    • Future Urban Area
  • City-Wide
  • Infrastructure & Servicing
  • Economic Development
  • Managing City Growth

To help explain our approach to these policy sections we’ve created the videos below.

Related resources

Community Direction Statement and Pillars Engagement Report

My Fort. My City. My Say. Stage 2 Report

My Fort. My City. My Say. Stage 1 Report

Vibrant Downtown Summary Report